Tuesday, June 17, 2008

93/365 I can't believe she left me

People who have pets know that even if your animal is friendly with the entire family, they're going to bond to one person especially.

Buster is no exception. He's a momma's boy.

When she leaves the house, all he does is mope around until she gets home. And I often find him like this:
In the big la-z-boy, slung over one arm, staring toward the door.

He doesn't do this when she's home. It's his ultimate "I can't believe she left me, so I'm going to look pathetic and cute and just stay like this until she gets home or I decide to revisit the trees in the backyard" position.

Mom doesn't believe me when I tell on him. But now he's been caught in the act.

Camera: Canon D40 DSLR 1/60s, f/4 at ISO 800 in natural light at about 3:00 p.m.

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