Thursday, May 28, 2009

67/365 Positive press conference attendance

I attended my first press conference today for work. BioStorage Technologies, a company in Indianapolis, is expanding its headquarters here and will be adding 125 new jobs (more than doubling its current size).

Mitch Roob, Indiana's Secretary of Commerce, was on hand for the event (speaking in the photo above), as well as Indianapolis' mayor Greg Ballard (below).

This is certainly good news for Indianapolis and the rest of the state, and I'm sure both the state and local government offices were glad to be on hand to share positive news for a change.

All four Indianapolis TV stations were on hand, though only one (WRTV 6) sent a reporter to do a live shot.

I don't know if all press conferences are like this, having never attended one before, but one of the first things that struck me was how incredibly quiet it was in the room. It almost reminded me of a funeral, even though everyone was there to hear and share good news.

Perhaps the silence was just a result of the formality of the event. Regardless, it was definitely an interesting way to start the day.

Camera: Canon PowerShot SD1000 indoors under fluorescent lighting

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