Tuesday, November 18, 2008

248/365 Impaired photography

I'm going to make excuses for this photo.

I only like it a teeny bit, and even then, only because I did some serious playing in Photoshop.

Why do I feel like I can make an excuse? I literally couldn't really see what I was doing.

I had my final pre-op exam with my optometrist yesterday, three days before my Lasik surgery. For this appointment, he dilated my eyes using the super-duper strong drops so they could really see into my eyes. Those super-duper drops can take 24-48 hours to wear off, so immediately I was unable to focus on close objects.

I couldn't even sort through the mail on the table to see if anything came with my name on it.

So I took this photo. I zoomed out, relied heavily on the camera's auto-focus, and hoped for the best. I could hardly see what settings I had, and I couldn't review the photo on the screen.

The result? Blah. Blah. Blah.

So I cropped, adjusted levels, added contrast, adjusted curves... and finished with the version you see above.

Better, but it still isn't my favorite by far.

Oh well!

Camera: Canon 40D 1/125s, f/5.6 at ISO 320 at about 5:00 p.m.

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