Wednesday, July 7, 2010

57/365 Blooming hostas

Hostas are great foliage to have in your landscaping, because they don't just bloom then fade away -- they're attractive greenery throughout the warm months.

They may not invite the most attention, since they're more subtle bloomers, but I recently added a new lens to my arsenal -- and these had to be among the first captured subjects!

I have at least six hostas growing around my little house. Are you a hosta fan? If not, what are some of your favorite landscaping accents like hostas?

Camera: Canon 40D with 70-300mm IS lens, 1/500s, f/5.6 at ISO 100 at about 7:30 p.m.


  1. That lens is a keeper. The lighting, the clarity, the way the lines tell a story from left to right, wow...great shot. Because hostas are so waxy, I like how they throw some of your light right back. How much for a print?!

    It may be obvious by now that I'm a hosta fan. In fact, I owe my entire interest in growing and getting my hands dirty to dividing hostas and day lillies when not much taller than the shovel.

    More hosta shots, please!

  2. Thank you! One thing I like about hostas is the variety in their leaves: some are dark with light edges, others are light with dark edges, some are uniform green...

  3. a.e.miller:
    Me, too. Somehow it's stuck in my head to think of the classic hosta leaf shape as a funnel heart. Rain plops on the leaf and is channeled down the stem to nourish the heart of the plant.
    Form meets function. Art meets survival.

    Are hostas symbolically boasting about their accomplishment by having heart-shaped leaves, then? Hmm...

    I like the pre-bloom/just bloomed story in this shot. They look prime for vertical interest in an arrangement (even if just a simple vase of water). Before, I would have passed by and said, "Oh, the hostas are blooming."

    Great stuff!
